X157 Dev Notes

One simulant attempts to share insight with others.

How to Create a Lyra-based Project in Git

This details the procedure used to implement my Git branching strategy for a Lyra-based project.

How to choose the correct Engine/Lyra version for your project:

Procedure Overview

Summary of Result

You will want to periodically Merge Epic Source into Git to get updates from Epic.

Set up PowerShell variables

# If you forked the engine to make your own custom engine,
# change this to be the URL to your fork
$EngineRepositoryUrl = "https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine"

# Which branch of the Engine and Lyra do we want to import?
$EngineBranch = "5.1"

# The directory where you keep your Game Code
$WorkspaceDir = "D:/Dev/XistGame"  # set this

# The directory where you want to clone UnrealEngine
$UE5Root = "E:/GitHub/UnrealEngine"  # set this
$LyraSourceDir = "$UE5Root/Samples/Games/Lyra"  # don't change this line

# This is the directory where we will save a new sample
# LyraStarterGame project from the Launcher.
$LyraContentDir = "D:/Dev/DefaultLyraProject"  # set this

$LyraMainBranch   = "lyra-main"
$LyraCustomBranch = "lyra-xist"  # "lyra-yourname"
$GameBranch       = "xist-game"

Create a LyraStarterGame project from Launcher

Store the sample project in $LyraContentDir, for example D:/Dev/DefaultLyraProject



When in doubt, back up the previous game and make a new one here.

Create LyraStarterGame Project in Epic Games Launcher

I used these settings:

Create LyraStarterGame Project in Epic Games Launcher Settings

Note what you use for the Folder here MUST EQUAL your $LyraContentDir value. Set it accordingly.

You can name your project whatever you want.

Update UnrealEngine Source from GitHub

You either need to clone the Engine source (if you haven’t already), or update the source you previously cloned.

Here, we’ll do both, just to be safe.

Clone Unreal Engine from GitHub

NOTE: If you already cloned the Unreal Engine, you can skip this step. You will need to make sure that your $UE5Root value matches the directory where you cloned UE5.

# cd to the PARENT of the $UE5Root directory.
# This directory must exist.  Create it if needed.
cd $UE5Root/..

# $UE5Root does not exist; clone $EngineRepositoryUrl into $UE5Root
git clone --branch $EngineBranch $EngineRepositoryUrl $UE5Root

Update previously-cloned Unreal Engine Source

First, you want to make sure you’re on the correct branch, and then pull from Epic.

# If you already cloned the Engine, $UERoot already exists
cd $UE5Root

# Switch branches if $EngineBranch is not the current branch
$isCorrectBranch = $EngineBranch -ieq (git branch --show-current)
if (!$isCorrectBranch)
  git fetch origin
  git checkout $EngineBranch

# pull latest from origin
git pull origin

Continue to Initialize Project Git Repo, you do not need to clone again.

Initialize Project Git Repo

Before you do this part, prepare the files you will use for .gitignore and .gitattributes.

See Xist’s UE5 Git Init for some reasonable defaults.

# make dir $WorkspaceDir if needed
if (!(Test-Path $WorkspaceDir)) {mkdir $WorkspaceDir}

cd $WorkspaceDir

git init
git lfs install
git add .gitignore .gitattributes  # YOU MUST PROVIDE THESE FILES
git commit -m "Initialize Git"

Create lyra-main branch

cd $WorkspaceDir

# Create lyra-main branch
git branch $LyraMainBranch

Copy Source from Epic to lyra-main branch

cd $WorkspaceDir

# Checkout lyra-main
git checkout $LyraMainBranch

# Example: Recursive Copy E:/GitHub/UnrealEngine/Samples/Games/Lyra/* into Workspace dir
Copy-Item -Force -Recurse $LyraSourceDir/* $WorkspaceDir

git add --all
git commit -m "Initial Import of Lyra from Epic"

Copy Content from Lyra Sample into lyra-main branch

# This function copies a specific Content folder from the Sample project into our Workspace
function CopyLyraContentFolder()
  param( [Parameter()] $ContentFolder,
         [Parameter()] $DirPrefix    )
  # Remove the leading $ContentFolder from the name
  $RelativeContentFolder = $ContentFolder.FullName.substring($DirPrefix.length)
  # Add leading $WorkspaceDir folder to the name
  $WorkspaceContentFolder = "$WorkspaceDir/$RelativeContentFolder"
  # Create the directory if it does not exist
  if (!(Test-Path $WorkspaceContentFolder)) {mkdir $WorkspaceContentFolder}
  $WorkspaceContentFolder = Get-Item $WorkspaceContentFolder
  # Recursively copy Content into our Workspace, overwriting the Workspace as needed
  Write-Host "COPY: $($ContentFolder.FullName) => $($WorkspaceContentFolder.FullName)"
  Copy-Item -Force -Recurse "$($ContentFolder.FullName)/*" $WorkspaceContentFolder

# Get a list of all 'Content' folders in the sample dir

$LyraContentFolders = Get-ChildItem $LyraContentDir -Recurse -Directory `
    | Where-Object {$_.Name -ieq 'Content'}

# To see all the Lyra Content Folder names:
$LyraContentFolders | %{$_.FullName}

# Copy all the 'Content' folders into the $WorkspaceDir

$DirPrefix = (Get-Item $LyraContentDir).FullName
foreach ($ContentFolder in $LyraContentFolders)
  $NewFolder =& CopyLyraContentFolder $ContentFolder -DirPrefix:$DirPrefix

cd $WorkspaceDir

git add --all  # This might take a while...
git commit -m "Initial Import of Lyra Launcher Content"

Create lyra-xist branch based on lyra-main

cd $WorkspaceDir

git checkout $LyraMainBranch    # Start on lyra-main
git branch $LyraCustomBranch    # Create lyra-xist
git checkout $LyraCustomBranch  # Checkout lyra-xist

For a detailed look at the kinds of things to commit to the lyra-xist branch, see What is the lyra-xist Branch.

Create xist-game branch based on lyra-xist

cd $WorkspaceDir

git checkout $LyraCustomBranch  # Start on lyra-xist
git branch $GameBranch          # Create xist-game
git checkout $GameBranch        # Checkout xist-game

Make your game!

Clean up as Desired

You no longer need the $LyraContentDir (D:/Dev/DefaultLyraProject), as we copied all the interesting parts from it into our Git repo. You can delete this directory and all its contents if you like.

Periodically: Merge Updates from Epic

You will want to periodically merge upstream source updates from Epic into your Project.

The procedure for doing so is similar to what we just did, but it updates an existing repository rather than creating a new one.

Procedure: Merge Epic Source into Git

For more details see the dedicated docs for the procedure, above.