X157 Dev Notes

One simulant attempts to share insight with others.

Merge Epic Source into Perforce

If you’ve set up your Perforce repo in the same way as me then you can use this procedure to merge upstream code and asset updates from Epic into your local project Perforce depot.

How Epic Distributes Source

There are 2 ways to get source from Epic.

  1. GitHub + Epic Games Launcher
  2. UDN Perforce

UDN is a paid service that is generally only available to larger companies. You don’t necessarily need it - GitHub is free and updated regularly.

Regardless of where you get your upstream Epic Source, the procedures for integrating it into your project repo is roughly the same.


Now you get to go see all the new stuff, and all the newly broken stuff! C’est la Dev! :-)

Execute Powershell


If your computer melts after you copy/paste this, you’ll know you’ve messed up.

Set up PowerShell variables

Note: You should set these the same values you used when you created your Perforce depot following these instructions.

$UDN_USER = ""  # enter your UDN username here
$UDN_PORT = ""  # enter your UDN P4PORT here
$UDN_WORKSPACE = ""  # enter the name of your UDN workspace

$LyraMainWorkspaceDir = "D:/UDN/Lyra"
$LyraXistWorkspaceDir = "D:/Dev/Lyra_Xist"
$XistGameWorkspaceDir = "D:/Dev/XistGame"

Get the latest Source from UDN


cd $LyraMainWorkspaceDir

# Sync the latest from UDN
p4 sync ...`#head  # "#" begins a comment in PS, must escape it

# REMEMBER THE CHANGELIST number we synced; We will include this in the merge log message
$P4ChangesWords = $(p4 changes -m1 ...`#have).split(" ")  # Like "Change 123 on 2023/01/02 by user@workspace 'Doing some things'"
$UDNP4_HAVE_CL = $P4ChangesWords[1]  # the second word of output is the CL

Import changes into //Lyra/Main

$env:P4USER = $env:UserName
$env:P4PORT = "1666"  # your project P4 server
$env:P4CLIENT = "Lyra_Main_${env:P4USER}"

cd $LyraMainWorkspaceDir

p4 reconcile -f -m ...

###  Manually inspect the changelist created by reconcile.
###  You must manually resolve any files that cannot be auto-resolved.

# We're happy with changes, submit them to our P4
p4 submit -d "Import Lyra Main ...@$UDNP4_HAVE_CL"

# REMEMBER THE CHANGELIST number we synced; We will include this in the merge log message
$P4ChangesWords = $(p4 changes -m1 ...`#have).split(" ")  # Like "Change 123 on 2023/01/02 by user@workspace 'Doing some things'"
$LyraMain_HAVE_CL = $P4ChangesWords[1]  # the second word of output is the CL

Merge //Lyra/Main into //Lyra/Xist

$env:P4USER = $env:UserName
$env:P4PORT = "1666"  # your project P4 server
$env:P4CLIENT = "Lyra_Xist_${env:P4USER}"

cd $LyraXistWorkspaceDir

p4 integrate -b LyraMain_LyraXist //Lyra/Xist/...

###  Manually inspect the changelist created by integrate.
###  You must manually resolve any files that cannot be auto-resolved.

p4 submit -d "Integrate //Lyra/Main/...@$LyraMain_HAVE_CL"

# REMEMBER THE CHANGELIST number we synced; We will include this in the merge log message
$P4ChangesWords = $(p4 changes -m1 ...`#have).split(" ")  # Like "Change 123 on 2023/01/02 by user@workspace 'Doing some things'"
$LyraXist_HAVE_CL = $P4ChangesWords[1]  # the second word of output is the CL

Merge //Lyra/Xist into //Lyra/XistGame

$env:P4USER = $env:UserName
$env:P4PORT = "1666"  # your project P4 server
$env:P4CLIENT = "XistGame_${env:P4USER}"

cd $XistGameWorkspaceDir

p4 integrate -b LyraXist_XistGame //Lyra/XistGame/...

###  Manually inspect the changelist created by integrate.
###  You must manually resolve any files that cannot be auto-resolved.

p4 submit -d "Integrate //Lyra/Xist/...@$LyraXist_HAVE_CL"

Build Game