X157 Dev Notes

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Common UI Activatable Widget

CommonActivatableWidget should be used as the base class for most of your widgets.

Activatable Widgets are often not deleted, instead they’re reused. OnActivated and OnDeactivated can be called often in a single lifetime of the widget.

Common use cases for an Activatable Widget are

Is Activated?

UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = ActivatableWidget)
bool IsActivated() const { return bIsActive; }

Activate Widget

UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = ActivatableWidget)
void ActivateWidget();


UFUNCTION(BlueprintImplementableEvent, Category = ActivatableWidget, meta = (DisplayName = "On Activated"))
void BP_OnActivated();

virtual void NativeOnActivated();

Deactivate Widget

UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = ActivatableWidget)
void DeactivateWidget();


UFUNCTION(BlueprintImplementableEvent, Category = ActivatableWidget, meta = (DisplayName = "On Deactivated"))
void BP_OnDeactivated();

virtual void NativeOnDeactivated();

Get Desired Input Config

 * Gets the desired input configuration to establish when this widget activates
 * and can receive input (i.e. all parents are also active).
 * This configuration will override the existing one established by any previous
 * activatable widget and restore it (if valid) upon deactivation.
virtual TOptional<FUIInputConfig> GetDesiredInputConfig() const;

The return value of GetDesiredInputConfig is vital to standardize and coordinate in your project.

Having different widgets return different values for this could potentially be a difficult situation to debug.

The result of this function is sent to the Common UI Action Router to explicitly set the game input mode when this widget is activated.

Get Desired Focus Target

 * Override to provide the desired widget that should receive focus
 * when this becomes the primary active widget.
 * If bAutoRestoreFocus is true, is only called when there is no
 * valid cached restoration target (to provide the default/fallback).
virtual UWidget* NativeGetDesiredFocusTarget() const;

You likely need to tell Common UI which widget should be focussed when a given widget is activated. The most likely return value is this or self, e.g. focus the widget that was most recently activated.

If you override this in C++, this BP version of this function will not be called unless you explicitly call it yourself.

This seems to be particularly important when using non-pointer input devices for menu navigation, like Gamepad buttons or Keyboard keys.

Get Desired Camera Config

virtual TOptional<FUICameraConfig> GetDesiredCameraConfig() const;