X157 Dev Notes

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Common UI Action Router

The Common UI Action Router is the place to route all requests to set the input mode.

DO NOT try to circumvent this in your own code. Instead, have your code create Common UI FUIInputConfig settings and send them to Common UI to actually do the input mode changes.

See my Tutorial: How to Take Control of the Mouse in Lyra for more information about how to make the input modes in your Lyra-based game work exactly the way you want them to.

How to Override the Base UI Action Router

To override UCommonUIActionRouterBase you simply need to derive your own child class from it.

The existence of your derived class will suppress the base subsystem from being initialized, and your derived class will be used in your project rather than the base.

This is a bit of Unreal Engine shenanigans. To see how and why this works, see UCommonUIActionRouterBase::ShouldCreateSubsystem and search for invocations of that method.

Set Active UI Input Config

void SetActiveUIInputConfig(const FUIInputConfig& NewConfig);

This method is Public.

Call this from Game code to change the Common UI Input Config to your preferred value.

Apply UI Input Config

virtual void ApplyUIInputConfig(const FUIInputConfig& NewConfig, bool bForceRefresh);

To change how input works in the game, you must override this method. This is effectively the setter for the ActiveInputConfig member variable.

Your override must not call the base class. Instead, completely override it.

That being done, you can then set up the inputs any way you want them to work in your game.