X157 Dev Notes

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Perforce SCM

To best support non-technical members of the Xist.GG team, I require the binary locking/sharing capabilities of Perforce.

How To: Set up a UE5 Perforce Server

Before you create any depots on your P4 server, set up the typemap and .p4ignore.

  1. Set up Perforce Typemap
  2. Create .p4ignore

Once you have these, create any depots you need. For example you could create depots like:

How To: Set up a Lyra Project Source Depot

  1. Create //Lyra Depot
  2. Create //Lyra/Main Stream (import from Epic #NoChanges)
  3. Create //Lyra/Xist Stream (apply LYRAGAME_API updates, virtual overrides, etc)

How To: Create a new //Lyra/Xist-based Game Project

  1. Create a new //Lyra/XistGame Stream based on //Lyra/Xist
    • Repeat as needed with each new stream/project name

How To: Merge Epic Updates into a Lyra P4 Depot

See this detailed PowerShell procedure for the exact commands necessary to merge new updates from Epic into an existing Lyra Project P4 depot.

How To: Set up a Custom UE5 Engine Source Depot

  1. Create Depot //UE5
  2. Create Mainline Stream //UE5/Release
    • Import Epic Custom Engine Source from either GitHub or UDN P4
  3. Create Task Stream //UE5/Xist with parent //UE5/Release
    • Apply Xist hacks/edits to this custom 5.1 engine

For more details see: How to: Create a Custom UE5 Engine Source Depot & Streams

Setting up a Perforce Server as a Docker container

Tips for P4 Administration and Use

Recommended Reading