X157 Dev Notes

One simulant attempts to share insight with others.

Add GameplayCue Path

In order to use your own GameplayCues, you need to tell Lyra where to find them.

Configure paths in YourGame.uasset

Open Plugins/YourGame/Content/YourGame.uasset (your plugin’s primary Data Asset file).

In the Actions section, add a new element Add Gameplay Cue Path and add the path(s) where you’d like to store your GameplayCues.

For example in my XistGame project, I’m using /XistGame/GameplayCues as the path.


Next Step: Create Dev Experience

Now that Asset Manager can find your stuff, it’s time to actually make stuff!

Create Dev Experience or go back to Lyra Starter Game

Thank you

Shout-out to braheem@github who pointed out that this step was missing from the GameFeature plugin setup process. Thank you braheem!