X157 Dev Notes

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LyraStarterGame Interaction System

If you prefer video, check out my YouTube Video: UE5 LyraStarterGame Prototype Interaction System which covers this topic.

The Official UE5 Lyra Interaction Docs are definitely worth reading. However, IMO they were clearly written by someone who has far more knowledge about Lyra and Unreal Engine than I have, and thus they omitted a ton of information that I had to figure out myself to truly understand how the Lyra Interaction System works.

Lyra ships with a partially implemented, prototype inventory system. This inventory system is based on the Lyra Interaction System and is presented in a PROTO directory to highlight the fact it is not ready to use without some work from you.

This seemed like a good place to do a deep dive into Lyra Interactions to see how they put it together. My findings from this exercise are presented below.

To skip ahead and play with Epic’s inventory prototype yourself, check out the section How to Experience Epic’s Inventory Prototype.

Fully Implemented: Automatic Proximity Interaction

As of UE 5.0.2 the only type of interaction that Epic has fully implemented is such that there is only one possible interaction between the player and an object, and that interaction is automatically triggered based on the player’s proximity to the object.

For example, the object gives you a weapon, or teleports you to another part of the map, or damages or heals you while you stand near it.

If you do not require the ability to interact in other ways with your objects then Lyra is fully functional as far as you are concerned.

Partially Implemented: Player-Initiated Single Interaction

This is the subject of the inventory prototype that we’re discussing here.

The difference between this and the automatic interaction is that in this case the ability isn’t activated automatically, but instead waits for the player to optionally activate it.

For example, the player could selectively toggle a switch, or as in the case Epic shipped for us to examine, pick up a rock.

NOT Implemented: Multiple Interaction Options

If you want to give your player options, like either opening a door or locking it or booby-trapping it or insert-your-idea-here, then you will need to extend Lyra to add this functionality.

There is currently no code in Lyra that will allow you to do this, but there is a good starting point that should hopefully not be too difficult to extend.

Key Concepts

The key concepts you must understand to implement an interaction system that your player chooses when to activate:

Gameplay Ability: GA_Interact

Path: ShooterMaps/PROTO/InventoryTest/Input/Abilities/GA_Interact

This ability is granted to the PlayerState. This is what allows the player to interact with objects in the game.

You’ll need to grant this ability to your player. Lyra’s prototype does this as follows:

The ActivateAbility implementation for this Gameplay Ability:

These 3 asynchronous tasks work together to allow interactions to occur. Any time the player gets near an interactable object, the player is granted whatever abilities that interactable object provides (such as “pick me up”) by UAbilityTask_GrantNearbyInteraction.

If the player looks at an object and presses the input key while near enough to it, the granted ability is activated (for example the item is removed from the world and placed into the player’s inventory) by UAbilityTask_WaitForInteractableTargets_SingleLineTrace.

The key press is detected in the GA_Interact event graph.

Base C++ Class: ULyraGameplayAbility_Interact

GA_Interact uses ULyraGameplayAbility_Interact as its base C++ class.

The base class sets itself to activate on spawn, meaning that this ability automatically activates as soon as it is granted to the player. It also uses the LocalPredicted NetExecutionPolicy, so it runs on both the client and the server.

A UAbilityTask_GrantNearbyInteraction Gameplay Task is immediately created on the server.

Gameplay Task: UAbilityTask_GrantNearbyInteraction

This task sets a recurring timer to scan for interactable objects in a sphere around the player every X interval (configurable; default 0.1 seconds).

Each time it scans, it looks for objects that implement the IInteractableTarget interface. This interface may be implemented by either the actor itself or by one of its components that was hit by the OverlapMultiByChannel sphere trace.

The sphere trace uses the Lyra_TraceChannel_Interaction channel, which is an alias to ECC_GameTraceChannel1.

Thus for an object to be interactable, it or one of its components must implement IInteractableTarget AND it must overlap with ray traces on Lyra_TraceChannel_Interaction.

The task constructs a list of all FInteractionOption for all interactable objects detected in each sphere trace. For every FInteractionOption detected, it then grants the PlayerState whatever Gameplay Ability is defined by that option.

Network Gameplay Note

The Official Lyra Interaction System Docs states:

You can increase the InteractionScanRate float to be at a larger radius
than your InteractionRange, otherwise, replication will not deliver the
ability to the client soon enough.

This is a typo. They intended to say you should increase the InteractionScanRange (Range, not Rate) to be larger than the InteractionRange.

In the prototype sample, Epic is using 500cm as the InteractionScanRange, compared to only 200cm for the InteractionRange. So the Lyra prototype uses a 2.5x increase in the scan range compared to the activation range.

InteractionScanRange is set in LyraGameplayAbility_Interact.h, while InteractionRange is set in the GA_Interact invocation of Wait for Interactable Targets Single Line Trace.

Gameplay Task: UAbilityTask_WaitForInteractableTargets_SingleLineTrace

This task sets a recurring timer to scan for the first interactable object in front of the player within interaction range. It executes by default every 0.1 seconds on a timer.

This is configured in GA_Interact on construction to use the Interactable_BlockDynamic line trace profile, which is defined in DefaultEngine.ini to overlap WorldDynamic objects with Lyra_TraceChannel_Interaction.

Any time the interactable object changes (either to or from a valid value), the base Gameplay Task class UAbilityTask_WaitForInteractableTargets broadcasts the InteractableObjectsChanged delegate, which GA_Interact uses to determine which interaction option is currently available to the player, if any.

Interactable Object: B_InteractableRock

Path: ShooterMaps/PROTO/InventoryTest/B_InteractableRock

This is a simple object that the user can pick up and add to their inventory.

Rock Collection Gameplay Ability

B_InteractableRock defines the following settings:

This sets up the rock such that when a player gets near it, the PlayerState will be automatically granted the GA_Interaction_Collect Gameplay Ability.

TestID_Rock is a ALyraInventoryItemDefinition. It determines what will be placed in the player’s inventory if the rock is picked up. In this case, 1 rock.

This doesn’t actually give the rock to the player, it just makes it possible for the player to collect the rock if the player interacts with it.

Mesh Collision

The rock’s static mesh has a custom collision profile such that it is set to overlap with Lyra_TraceChannel_Interaction.

This is required so that the rock will be visible to the interaction detection trace.

Base C++ Class: ALyraWorldCollectable

ALyraWorldCollectable implements the IInteractableTarget and IPickupable interfaces.

This is a very simple C++ class, all it does is define a Gameplay Ability and an Item ID that are intended to be assigned in Blueprints for each type of item that the user should be able to pick up and put in their inventory.

Gameplay Ability: GA_Interaction_Collect

This Gameplay Ability is granted to the PlayerState by an interactable object, for example B_InteractableRock. It is granted the player via UAbilityTask_GrantNearbyInteraction.

This ability is invoked from a Gameplay Event by the GA_Interact base class TriggerInteraction C++ method. As such, it only implements the ActivateAbilityFromEvent Gameplay Ability event. The event data contains the Instigator (the player’s pawn) and Target (the actor the player interacted with).

When activated, this Gameplay Ability:

How to Experience Epic’s Inventory Prototype

Path: ShooterMaps/PROTO/InventoryTest/L_InventoryTestMap

Epic has bundled the interaction and inventory systems into a single prototype map. The inventory system is built on top of the interaction system.

In their example, you will see the possibility for a single type of interaction: pick up an item, adding it to your inventory. Unlike the other interactions in Lyra, in addition to being in close proximity to the object, this also requires the player to click an interaction button while looking at the object.

There are numerous problems with the setup of this map, the assets it uses, etc. Hopefully Epic fixes this in a future version. (As of 5.0.2 it is still broken).

How to: Quick Hack without any real work

The main problem is that there are many assets that the AssetManager cannot locate at run time. A quick way to get around this, purely for testing within the editor, is to simply open all of the files that are needed by the example.

Open these files in the Editor, and leave them open:

While you have IMC_InventoryTest open, you must change the default key binding for the IA_Interact input action. Epic set this default as E, but that is also used for melee attack, so there is a conflict. I changed it to T for demo purposes, which works. Save this change.

With these 4 files open, and the IA_Interact input action bound to a unique key, open the L_InventoryTestMap and press PIE. Walk up to one of the big black squares (those are “rocks”), and push T or whatever key you mapped to IA_Interact. You should see it hover over your head and disappear as it was picked up and added to your inventory.

Open Map to PIE: ShooterMaps/PROTO/InventoryTest/L_InventoryTestMap

How to: Actually Fix the Inventory Prototype

UE Forum user aFlashyRhino revealed a detailed account of how to fix this map and its assets to be functional. If it’s still broken in the current version of Unreal Engine when you’re reading this, check out Garashka’s Fixing Lyra’s Inventory System and this related forum post for more details.

If you follow that blog you should be able to get the inventory system into a functional state so you can play with it to see how Epic intended for it to be used.

Note that the prototype is nowhere near ready for you to extend and build upon, so you will absolutely want to make your own system and NOT try to use this at all. It is quite clear that Epic does not intend for anyone to actually use this part of Lyra in its current state. It is only an example.