X157 Dev Notes

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Mass Navigation in UE 5.4

The UE5 Mass Entity system includes Navigation-specific fragments and processors you can use in your game without recreating the wheel. It bundles all of this code into the optional MassNavigation module in the MassAI plugin.

In general this class is not well documented as of UE 5.4 and is under significant development. This considered, the code is well written and follows common patterns that you will learn as you read.

In standard Mass methodology, the Traits/Fragments define the data required to move the Entities. The Processors execute once per simulation cycle to update the data.

MassNavigation Traits

MassZoneGraphNavigation Traits

MassNavigation Fragments

MassZoneGraphNavigation Fragments

MassNavigation Processors

As of 5.4 a search for all Mass Processors (any class derived from UMassProcessor) in the MassNavigation module reveals:

MassZoneGraphNavigation Processors

MassNavigation Observer Processors

MassZoneGraphNavigation Observer Processors