Mass Navigation
The UE5 Mass Entity system includes Navigation-specific fragments and processors
you can use in your game without recreating the wheel.
It bundles all of this code into the optional MassNavigation
module in the MassAI
In general these classes are not well documented as of UE 5.5 and are under significant development. This considered, the code is well written and follows common patterns that you will learn as you read.
In standard Mass methodology, the Traits/Fragments define the data required to move the Entities. The Processors execute once per simulation cycle to update the data.
- Basic Movement and Navigation
- Processors You Need to Enable
- Getting the Entities to Move
- Processors You Probably Want to Disable
Basic Movement and Navigation
In the simplest example, I’ll be ignoring Crowd and Zone Graphs, and just looking at what it takes to have a simple 2D map with Mass Entities moving around toward target locations and avoiding each other as they move.
Entity and Actor Setup
To set this up, create a DA_MovingEntity
(a MassEntityConfigAsset
that can be used with a MassSpawner
with the following traits:
- Avoidance (
) - Movement (
) - Navigation Obstacle (
) - Smooth Orientation (
) -
Steering (
) -
Mass Movable Visualization Trait (
) - Assorted Fragments:
- Mass Actor Fragment (
- Mass Actor Fragment (
- LODCollector (
) - SimulationLOD (
The Actor class that you configure in the Mass Movable Visualization Trait MUST:
- use a capsule as its primitive collision component
- I set mine to use collision preset
, though other settings may work as well
- I set mine to use collision preset
- have a MassAgent component (
)- with an Agent Capsule Collision Sync trait (
- with an Agent Capsule Collision Sync trait (
In my case, I configured the BP_MovingEntityActor
assets such that its UMassAgentCapsuleCollisionSyncTrait
is set to
sync the capsule transform From Mass to Actor, since I want Mass to be the
authority for an Actor’s location.
There are likely other functional configurations.
Processors You Need to Enable
In order for the above setup to work, you need to make sure you enable some Mass processors that are not enabled by default.
- Mass Representation Processor
- Mass Visualization LOD Processor
- Mass LOD Collector Processor
Enable them with these DefaultMass.ini
Getting the Entities to Move
With the setup above, the Entities don’t yet exhibit any movement behavior. There is nothing instructing them where to move.
To get an Entity to move, you need to set its FMassMoveTargetFragment
(it is added to the Entity by the UMassSteeringTrait
You can safely do this anywhere in your Gameplay code via an asynchronous command to the World’s Entity Manager like this:
* This code snippet issues a deferred (asynchronous) command to the Mass Entity Manager
* to update the given Entity's `FMassMoveTargetFragment` with a random point to which
* to navigate.
FMassEntityHandle Entity; // set this to the Entity you want to move
FMassEntityManager& EntityManager = UE::Mass::Utils::GetEntityManagerChecked(*GetWorld());
[&Entity](FMassEntityManager& System)
check(System.IsEntityActive(Entity)); // YOU MUST set it to a valid value above before calling this
FMassArchetypeHandle Archetype = System.GetArchetypeForEntity(Entity);
FMassEntityView View(Archetype, Entity);
const FAgentRadiusFragment& AgentRadius = View.GetFragmentData<FAgentRadiusFragment>();
FMassMoveTargetFragment& MoveTargetFragment = View.GetFragmentData<FMassMoveTargetFragment>();
const FTransformFragment& TransformFragment = View.GetFragmentData<FTransformFragment>();
const FMassMovementParameters& MovementParams = View.GetConstSharedFragmentData<FMassMovementParameters>();
MoveTargetFragment.CreateNewAction(EMassMovementAction::Move, *System.GetWorld());
MoveTargetFragment.IntentAtGoal = EMassMovementAction::Stand;
MoveTargetFragment.SlackRadius = AgentRadius.Radius;
// Choose a random point to move to around the World Origin at Z=0
const FVector2D RandomPoint = FMath::RandPointInCircle(1000.f);
MoveTargetFragment.Center = FVector(RandomPoint.X, RandomPoint.Y, 0.f);
const FVector TargetVector = MoveTargetFragment.Center - TransformFragment.GetTransform().GetLocation();
MoveTargetFragment.DistanceToGoal = TargetVector.Size2D();
MoveTargetFragment.Forward = TargetVector.GetSafeNormal2D();
Whenever you assign the FMassMoveTargetFragment
as in the above code, the Mass simulation
will automatically begin steering the Entity toward the Move Target and moving in a direct line
toward it, avoiding obstacles along the way, including other Entities that may be moving to other goals.
You can also modify the FMassMoveTargetFragment
from a custom StateTree Task, if your
entity is set up to use a StateTree.
See Mass StateTree integration for more details.
Processors You Probably Want to Disable
Mass “Off LOD” Navigation Processor
This is fine for the Mass samples where the NPCs far away from you aren’t doing anything you actually care about. It instantly teleports them to whatever their Move Target is without any regard for travel time whatsoever.
If your far away NPCs should actually obey travel times, then you absolutely DO NOT WANT this processor running in your game, and you must replace it with your own version that works how you want.
Disable it with this DefaultMass.ini