X157 Dev Notes

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Mass Entity Data Types

This page discusses some of the most important Mass Entity Data Types.

Some of the info here is pulled directly from Mass source code comments. Other info are my thoughts related to it.


Entity Composition




Mass Entity Handle is a Unique Entity Identifier. It is safe to use as a TMap hash key.

This is effectively a 64-bit integer. You can explicitly access the 64-bit value as a uint64 via AsNumber() and FromNumber() as needed.


The base UStruct for all data fragments that will make up your Entity.

Use a fragment when the data will be unique to the entity.

Don’t try to cram all of your data into 1 fragment. Ideally you want these to be small, reusable fragments that contain very specific related data.

For example, Mass supplies a FTransformFragment which contains only the entity’s transform, and a FMassMoveTargetFragment that contains only the target to which an Entity should try to move.


This is the base class for types that will only be tested for presence/absence, i.e. Tags.

Subclasses should never contain any member properties.


The base UStruct for data fragments that are shared among all entities in a given Chunk.

This is similar to FMassSharedFragment, but instead of only 1 fragment that is shared across all Entities, there is 1 fragment per Chunk.

To understand Chunks, familiarize yourself with the Mass Archetype Model, as documented in MassSample.


The base UStruct for const data fragments that are shared amongst multiple Entities.

Just like FMassSharedFragment, but this fragment is const.


The base UStruct for data fragments that are shared amongst multiple Entities.

Use a shared fragment when you want to have a single small amount of data that affects many fragments. Changing the data once immediately affects ALL of the entities that share it.


A finalized and const wrapper for FMassEntityTemplateData, associated with a Mass archetype and template ID. This is the type that is stored in the FMassEntityTemplateRegistry.

Designed to never be changed.

If a change is needed a copy of the hosted FMassEntityTemplateData needs to be made and used to create another finalized FMassEntityTemplate (via FMassEntityTemplateManager).


Serves as data used to define and build finalized FMassEntityTemplate instances. Describes composition and initial values of fragments for entities created with this data, and lets users modify and extend the data. Once finalized as FMassEntityTemplate the data will become immutable.

Defines the “Composition” of a template, including:

To see an example of how to create one of these, see FMassEntityConfig::GetOrCreateEntityTemplate.


Mass Entity TemplateID is used as a 64-bit hash key. It is safe to use as a TMap key.

It is computed using a 128-bit GUID and an optional 32-bit “flavor” hash.

By default, the FMassEntityConfig class (a property of UMassEntityConfigAsset) is responsible for managing the uniqueness of the GUID.

If you dynamically generate your own FMassEntityConfig objects, you must ensure to manage the uniqueness of their GUIDs as well, as this determines the uniqueness of the template keys in FMassEntityTemplateRegistry.

Note that FMassEntityTemplateID provides a 32-bit hash key for use by FMassEntityTemplateRegistry. The possibility of collisions due to using a 32-bit hash key is not an issue due to how TMap manages key collisions, because FMassEntityTemplateID operator== compares the entire 64-bit value.


Essentially a TemplateID => Template map.

Represents a repository storing all the FMassEntityTemplate that have been created and registered as part of FMassEntityConfig processing or via custom code (for example the InstancedActors plugin).

Once a template is stored in the registry, it cannot be changed.


A collection of traits that are combined to make up an Entity’s composition.

Supports inheritance via a reference to a parent UMassEntityConfigAsset.

Used by UMassEntityConfigAsset as the internal storage mechanism for the trait data described by the asset.