X157 Dev Notes

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Unreal Engine 5: Using the Engine

Even if you do not make changes to the engine, a custom UE5 engine is required to support multiplayer projects. This page will help you understand the process.

Quick Links:

Where to Get Source

The latest official release of Unreal Engine is always the release branch of the official Epic Games GitHub repo: Unreal Engine

Epic’s official docs:

  1. How to: Accessing Unreal Engine source code on Github
    • The repository is private, so you will need to get access from Epic by following the procedure outlined in the link above
  2. How to: Download and Build Unreal Engine Source Code

If you are using a Lyra project, make sure to match your Lyra version with the Engine version. (Lyra is essentially distributed as an optional add-on for the Engine).

Version Description UE5 Lyra
Current Release release release
Release Staging for 5.1 5.1 5.1
Release Staging for 5.2 5.2 5.2

Note: When the current release is 5.2, the 5.2 branch may still be ahead of the release branch. The release branch is for official releases. The 5.2 branch is for release staging, which means things get merged into that over time, and when Epic decides it’s stable enough for a release, it gets merged into release. Choose whichever branch is most appropriate for your use case.

How to Build a Custom Engine

  1. Get the Engine Source
  2. Run Setup.bat
  3. Run GenerateProjectFiles.bat
  4. Open UE5.sln Visual Studio
    • Update and/or Add required Visual Studio components if needed
    • Build UE5 as either Development Editor (the default) or Debug Editor (for C++ debugging)

How to Register your Custom Engine with Windows

After building your custom engine, you need to register it with Windows.

You built this EXE when you built the UE5 project. Running this will register your custom Engine in your Windows Registry.

By default, this generates a random GUID. See UEngine.ps1 from UnrealXistTools for an easy way to -List engines and change those random GUIDs to a -NewName. If your team coordinates the name used in the registry using this or some similar tool, you can all easily share a custom EngineAssociation in your .uproject.

Procedure for Changing Engine Branches

NOTE: Engine projects are MASSIVE. In general, you don’t want to change branches often from say 4.27 to 5.0. Doing so would literally change 100000s of files.

When working with Unreal Engine, you generally want to have multiple copies of the repository on your machine simultaneously. Each major engine version should have its own copy of the repository in a dedicated directory on your machine.

While this does consume extra drive space, in general it makes your life much easier. When you do change branches, from say 5.2 to 5.2-my-patch, that’s super easy. Only for UE version changes (5.2 to 5.3) will this be potentially tricky.

When you change the engine from one branch to another, sometimes the Git repo can get into a funky state. To fix issues:


# DELETE FILES - clean up your existing branch to make it possible to cleanly swap
git reset --hard
git clean -xfd

git checkout release  # checkout whatever engine branch you want


# Now Open UE5.sln in Visual Studio and Build UE5

Sometimes when changing branches even after executing a git reset --hard, Git will still tell you that there are local changes to UE5. The solution is to run git clean -xfd which removes all of the Setup.bat downloaded files, so you end up with a truly-clean repository.

Then when you run Setup.bat it will download the appropriate version of those files for the branch you have selected, rather than a perhaps-completely-incompatible set of files for the old branch.

For my recent test on 5.2, it’s downloading ~ 20 GB. You won’t want to have to do this often.

Custom Engine Directory Structure

Assume you checkout the UnrealEngine Github repository to D:\Dev\UE5 (Windows) or /Dev/UE5 (Linux/Mac).

git clone https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine /Dev/UE5

You’ll end up with a directory structure that looks something like this:

└── UE5
    └── Engine
        ├── Binaries
        ├── ...
        └── Source

Suggested Project Directory Structure

Now assume you have your own game project, XistGame.

You may want to put it inside the /Dev/UE5 directory, like this:

└── UE5
    ├── Engine
    └── XistGame
        ├── Content
        ├── Source
        ├── ...
        └── XistGame.uproject

In this way, your XistGame project will share the same parent directory as the UE5 Engine directory.

Though it is not strictly required to put your project into this hierarchy, it does make it easier to automate work flows, for example. You can very easily (as I have) automate build tools to auto-select the engine from the relative project location ../Engine/ which reduces configuration management overhead.

That being said, the Engine works relative to your .uproject and so it doesn’t actually care where you put your files.

Ultimately, you can put your project anywhere you want.

For more information about possible locations to store your project files and the implications of each, see Epic’s Official Managing Game Code in Unreal documentation.

How to Generate Project Files

No matter your platform or version, you’ll need to Generate Project Files for your project in order to be able to build it.

In these examples, I’m using PowerShell 7. If you use another shell, you can still figure out what I’m doing here.

Launcher Engine Command: -projectfiles

When using an Epic Games Launcher Engine, use the -projectfiles command instead.

In this case, the Engine will continue to be managed by the Epic Games Launcher tools. Thus the command is simpler, you only need to tell it the name of your $UProjectFile.

####  Use the Epic Games Launcher to: Generate Visual Studio project files...
& $UnrealVersionSelector -projectfiles $UProjectFile

Custom Engine Command: -switchversionsilent

If you’re running a Custom Engine, you should generate your project files using the -switchversionsilent command.

####  Assign $EngineRoot as $UProjectFile's custom engine (if it isn't already),
####  and Generate Visual Studio project files...

& $UnrealVersionSelector -switchversionsilent $UProjectFile $EngineRoot

You don’t need to explicitly execute the -projectfiles as well; -switchversionsilent will implicitly also execute -projectfiles.

See How to Compute these PowerShell Variables below for specifics. In particular, $EngineRoot must be the Engine PARENT directory, or the Root directory in which the Engine directory exists.

How to Compute these PowerShell Variables

These variables are used both for Custom Engines and for Launcher Engines.

In both cases we need to know the path to UnrealVersionSelector on your system.

# Path to your .uproject (can be relative)
$UProjectFile = "D:/Dev/UE5/XistGame/XistGame.uproject"

#-- For Launcher Engines, you need to find this, it will be like: "C:\Program Files\Epic Games\Launcher"
#-- For Custom Engines, wherever you cloned the UnrealEngine repo
#-- Value as required by UnrealVersionSelector: parent of "D:/Dev/UE5/Engine" is the "root"
$EngineRoot = "D:/Dev/UE5"  ##  e.g. "D:/Dev/UE5"

##  e.g. D:/Dev/UE5/Engine/Binaries/Win64/UnrealVersionSelector.exe
$UnrealVersionSelector = $EngineRoot + "/Engine/Binaries/Win64/UnrealVersionSelector.exe"

In the example calculation of $EngineRoot above, I’ve cloned the UnrealEngine source into D:/Dev/UE5.

See the discussion below for more info on the expected directory structure for custom engines.