X157 Dev Notes

One simulant attempts to share insight with others.

Epic Games: Introduction to Common UI

Published 2022-07-22 by Epic Games Inside Unreal, guest Mike Prinke, Technical Writer @ Epic Games

This is basically a brain dump video. Mike shows us:

Full Video (2h 41m)



Setup New UE5 Project

New Data Table: InputActionTable

Create and Configure: ControllerData

New Blueprint: DemoGameInputData

Project Settings

Styling Assets

Create Button: UI_GenericButton

Configure Button Style: ButtonStyle_DemoGameGenericButton

Localization Tangent

Edit Button: UI_GenericButton

Create Main Menu: UI_MainMenu

Create Player Controller: FrontEndPlayerController

Add UI_MainMenu Functionality


Project Settings: Engine User Interface

Edit: UI_MainMenu

Create Generic Prompt: UI_GenericPrompt

Implement GetDesiredFocusTarget()

Implement OnActivated Event

Create Custom Event: SetPromptInfo

Edit: UI_MainMenu

Create Custom Event: OnPromptConfirm

Edit: UI_GenericPrompt

Edit: UI_GenericPrompt.SetPromptInfo Custom Event

Implement YesButton.OnBaseButtonClicked Event

Edit: UI_Base

Edit: PushPrompt Custom Event

Edit: FrontEndPlayerController

New Custom Event: PushPrompt

New Variable: UI_Base

Edit: PushPrompt Custom Event

Edit: UI_MainMenu

Implement QuitGameButton.OnButtonBaseClicked Event

Edit: UI_GenericPrompt

Implement NoButton.OnButtonBaseClicked

Fix Gamepad Cancel behavior

Edit: UI_MainMenu

Edit: UI_Base

Edit: PushPrompt Custom Event

Edit: OnClosePrompt Custom Event

Another way to do this

Edit: UI_Base

Back Handler Implementation

Edit: UI_GenericPrompt

Edit: UI_Base

Unsuccessful PIE Test

Edit: UI_GenericPrompt

Implement: UI_GenericPrompt.OnHandleBackAction Method

Successful PIE Test

Discussion of OnHandleBackAction

How to Bind Gamepad Buttons to on on-screen Widgets

Edit: UI_MainMenu

Edit: Project Settings: Common Input Settings

There were 2 Editor Crashes @ 2:16:18 & 2:25:00 ish

[NOT SAVED] Edit: UI_MainMenu

[NOT SAVED] Create UI_GenericTabButton

Q&A While Editor Restart

[NOT SAVED] Create Button of wrong type & Delete it

[NOT SAVED] Edit: UI_MainMenu

[NOT SAVED] Create Button: UI_BoundActionButton

[INCOMPLETE] Create Button: UI_GenericActionButton


End Stream